IRS Warns Taxpayers to be Alert for Scams Related to Natural Disasters
Let's talk tax scams. According to the IRS, some scammers impersonate charities or operate bogus charities to get money or private information from well-intentioned taxpayers. For example, some have…
IRS Forces Full Disclosure for Overseas Accounts
I have an overseas account, but I didn’t think about this! If you have a foreign account, you have until April 15 to file a FINCEN 114 form electronically (formally FBAR) with the Treasury's…
What Happens if You Don’t Pay Estimated Taxes?
If you’ve had a big tax debt at the end of last year, your Enrolled Agent may have talked with you about paying estimated taxes, especially if you are self-employed. Hopefully, your eyes didn’t roll…
Wishing it Would All Go Away Doesn't Work With the IRS
Remember the Calgon commercials of the 1970s and 1980s? Those of you who were around that is… A harried woman juggling kids, housework, jobs, and life, in general, gets fed up and utters the magic…
5 Gnarliest Tax Situations & How to Tame the Beast
Most people who were out of grade school in the 1980s remember hearing the word “gnarly.” While not an easy term to explain, the Urban Dictionary gives it a good shot: “Gnarly is when you’ve gone…
How Do You Get the IRS Off Your Back, Temporarily? What Stops the IRS from Collecting?
There are statutes of limitations on IRS collection activity. Of course, if you deliberately file a false tax return to evade paying the correct tax, all bets are off. The IRS can attempt to collect…
5 Ways Dogs Help with Taxes (and Life in General)
Every day is a dog day at SFS Tax. Buddha Belly, an adorable Yorkshire Terrier, is a constant fixture around the office. He brings joy to all of us. (And begs for treats, of course… he has gained a…
Stormy Daniel's Attorney's Firm Failed to Pay Back Tax Payment of Over $440,000, Could Face Legal Action by the Federal Government
A law firm tied to Stormy Daniel’s attorney is in hot water with the IRS over a missed back tax payment of over $440,000 that was due the week of May 14. Michael Avenatti “personally guaranteed” the…
5 Things Doughnuts and Taxes Have in Common
On this hallowed holiday (National Doughnut Day) we take a moment to pay our respects. It turns out that doughnuts and taxes are pretty similar, believe it or not. 1. No matter what your individual…