5 Ways Dogs Help with Taxes and Life in General, SFS Tax, Yorkie, Yorkshire Terrier, Cute Dogs, Dogs, Dogs at Work

5 Ways Dogs Help with Taxes (and Life in General)

Every day is a dog day at SFS Tax. Buddha Belly, an adorable Yorkshire Terrier, is a constant fixture around the office. He brings joy to all of us. (And begs for treats, of course… he has gained a few pounds, come to think of it).

We already know how great it can be to have your furry friend nearby during the workday. So in honor of National Take Your Dog to Work Day – and for the benefit of all humans out there – we recount the top five ways dogs help us, with taxes and with life.

1. Dogs force you to take breaks – which makes you more creative & better able to focus

When it’s Rover’s or Roxy’s time to go, you must go. And you must go no matter what you’re doing (unless you want a puddle – or worse – on the floor). Depending on the size of your dog’s bladder, you’re up and moving several times during the day.

Breaks are good for us, though. Humans can only concentrate for so much time because it is exhausting. Concentrating for too long and makes us impulsive and just grumpy overall. Taking a break can increase creativity, productivity, motivation and decision-making ability.

5 Ways Dogs Help with Taxes and Life in General, SFS Tax, SFS Tax and Accounting, SFS Tax Problem Solution, Yorkie, Nap

2. With a dog, you’ll stress less

Taxes have been known to cause stress – and stress is a killer. There’s a link between the six leading causes of death and stress (heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide).

Dogs decrease our stress levels. Just looking at your beloved Maxine or Max will reduce the level of stress hormones in your body. And petting your dog for just 15 minutes releases oxytocin, the “love hormone,” along with a cascade of other feel-good hormones. It also reduces cortisol, the “stress hormone.”

And you may want to consider getting a dog for your elderly parents. Dogs are great companions, and those with Alzheimer’s have fewer outbursts when a dog is around. Dogs also relieve the stress of the caregivers (this could be you) as well.

3. You won’t be depressed around your dog

Owing taxes (or even thinking about them) can make you feel depressed.

You’re less likely to be depressed if you own a dog, according to studies.

Dogs spend most of their time watching us, trying to decipher our mood, listening to our words and tone of voice, and studying our body language. Therefore, they are in tune with what you need at the moment and are ready to lend a paw or a lick for support when you need it.

Dogs distract you from your depression and give you a purpose.

What’s that, you ask?

Caring for the dog, of course – after all, you are their human.

4. You’ll be healthier in general when you own a dog

Dog owners have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure, and fewer health problems across the board.

The healthier you are, the more likely you are to be able to work and keep yourself out of tax debt (or to pay it off). You will also be better equipped to handle sticky situations – including dealing with the IRS.

5 Ways Dogs Help with Taxes and Life in General, SFS Tax, SFS Tax and Accounting, SFS Tax Problem Solution, Yorkie, Dog Watching Out Window5. Ward off solicitors (and other unwanted visitors) with a dog

 Dogs’ sense of hearing is much keener than the human ear. So Fido or Fluffy will start barking long before those salespeople hit your door. Those sharp warning barks are also a deterrent to criminals. Of course, this also goes for family and friends, so dogs may be helpful with the in-laws as well.

With a dog standing guard at your front door, you’ll be spending less money on useless things and you won’t have the stress of surprise visitors popping by. Sounds like a win-win for you and your pooch!

The more we learn about dogs, the more we appreciate them. Having a dog as a companion is truly a gift. There are so many waiting at your local shelter to find their forever homes. If you are looking for a dog, go get yourself some better health, love, and companionship today!

Jeffrey Schneider, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow has the knowledge and expertise to help you reach a favorable outcome with the IRS. He is the head honcho at SFS Tax & Accounting Services as well as the Enrolled Agent and Certified Tax Resolution Specialist for SFS Tax Problem Solutions.
Now What? I Got A Tax Notice From The IRS. Help! Defining and deconstructing the scary and confusing letters that land in your mailbox. Jeff defines and deconstructs the scary and confusing letters in a fashion that mixes attention to detail with humor and an intricate clarification of what is what in the world of the IRS.

The book is available in paperback and ebook on https://Amazon.com
For more on SFS Tax Problem Solutions, visit: http://sfstaxproblemsolutions.com/
For more on SFS Tax & Accounting Services, visit http://sfstaxacct.com/
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Phone: 772-337-1040