Traveling Overseas? Not if You Owe Back Taxes
Summer is prime time for Americans to travel internationally. From May through September 2017, over 1.6 million U.S. citizens per month traveled outside the country. A good percentage of these…
Now What? I Got a CP90 Notice from the IRS. Help!
Think of the CP90 notice as a big red flag. If you are receiving one from the IRS, this is your last chance. The CP90 notifies you of the IRS’ intention to garnish your wages, levy your property, or…
How Do You Get the IRS Off Your Back, Temporarily? What Stops the IRS from Collecting?
There are statutes of limitations on IRS collection activity. Of course, if you deliberately file a false tax return to evade paying the correct tax, all bets are off. The IRS can attempt to collect…
Coming for Your Money: What the IRS Can (and Can't) Do to Collect a Tax Debt
As you will see, the IRS has a lot of power to collect a federal tax debt. As far-reaching and mighty as those powers may seem, they are not unlimited. What the IRS Can’t Do The IRS Can’t Put You in…
Isn't It Too Late for That? Understanding the Rules About IRS Tax Collection Limits
There are all sorts of misconceptions about the IRS. One of the bigger ones is regarding collection (and other) time limits. Most people think the IRS has just 10 years to collect its tax debt from…
Now What? I Got a CP2000 Notice. Help!
Getting any notice from the IRS can send you into a tailspin. The feeling of dread starts when you see the return address on the envelope. First things first… sit down and take a deep breath! After…
How Do I Pay the IRS What I Don’t Have? They want more than I got. Can you get blood from a stone?
Usually, there’s a reason people haven’t paid their taxes in full. One of those reasons can be that they don’t have the money. Sounds reasonable, right? Well, the IRS feels otherwise. If you have a…
Court’s Decision: TurboTax Not to Blame for Taxpayer’s Submitted Tax Return Rejection, Taxpayer on the Hook for an Estimated $200,000 in Penalties, Part Two of a Two-Part Series
In part one of this series, we talked about the case of John Spottiswood and his TurboTax return. Back in April 2013, John Spottiswood filed his 2012, along with the $395,619 in taxes due, via…
5 Ways Dogs Help with Taxes (and Life in General)
Every day is a dog day at SFS Tax. Buddha Belly, an adorable Yorkshire Terrier, is a constant fixture around the office. He brings joy to all of us. (And begs for treats, of course… he has gained a…