The Unknown Can Be Scary!

The Unknown Can be Scary. Image of Jeffrey Schneider with Now What? Help! books.


The Unknown Can Be Scary!

Especially for those of us of a certain age (what that age is, I will not reveal), we tend to be resistant to change. However, when the pandemic shut down life as we knew it, we had to learn to adapt to the new normal.

March 2020, and It’s tax season.

And the order for “safer at home” was put into place. And businesses were shuttered for an indefinite period. Folks were told to stay home, especially in Florida.

Our day-to-day operations changed in a big way. Fortunately, tax firms were listed as an “essential service,” and we were able to work from the office.

Clients could not come into the office, so they had the option of mail-in, portal, or Zoom. Many of our clients were not computer savvy, so they relied upon snail mail. There were no choices. So began the pattern of not coming into the office for their annual “meet with my accountant.”

Marissa lived in another county, and she was required to have a letter from her employer allowing her to cross into another county to work for an essential business. Jeff provided the letter, and she was stopped by the police the very first day she was headed to the office. She panicked and told Jeff, her dad, that she wasn’t coming into the office and would work from home until this ban was over. So began the virtual experience for us.

I, too, worked from home for many months until I felt comfortable coming into the office.

Jeff was alone!

Jeff never had the mindset to have employees work from home, and it took many months for his comfort level to develop. It was a matter of feeling out of control.

Our Sr. Tax & Accounting Specialist, Autumn, was also virtual. Jeff was anxious and had a very stressful tax season. However, it all worked out in the end, and to this day, our clients are very comfortable speaking on the phone or meeting with Jeff virtually.
Several months ago, Autumn transitioned into a hybrid and is now in the office three days a week. Some of our business clients have already spoken with her and have nothing but good things to say about her.

She is an excellent asset to our firm and has assimilated very well into our office culture. In addition, she is always willing to pitch in and lend a helping hand with any project I may need assistance with. You’ll love her when you meet her!


Meet Autumn. Headshot Autumn DenningMeet Autumn!

We have known Autumn for many years and are delighted that she has decided to work for us.

Autumn studied at Perdue University Global; her focus was Forensic Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Accounting.

She has been in the tax/accounting arena for about ten years and is not afraid to take on any challenge she is given. And there have been a few!

When not deep into doing taxes and accounting work, she can be found reading, doing creative activities with my boys, or fine-tuning another delicious recipe I have whipped up.

As a wife and mother of two growing boys, life is always on the move. Her husband, Cody, is a pharmacracy tech here in Stuart.

We are pleased to say that she is currently studying to become an Enrolled Agent!

Ali “it can be a challenge” Schneider
Director of Business Development