Miami-Dade Police Officer Arrested for Stealing Thousands in Federal Funds While in College

Ebony Nesbitt’s tax fraud past may have caught up with her. Fraudulent tax refunds are practically unforgivable with the IRS. If she is convicted, the choices she made in college will severely impact…

irs warns of scams due to natural disasters, tornado, hurricane, house

IRS Warns Taxpayers to be Alert for Scams Related to Natural Disasters

Let's talk tax scams. According to the IRS, some scammers impersonate charities or operate bogus charities to get money or private information from well-intentioned taxpayers. For example, some have…

What to Do When the IRS Sends a Tax Notice

The moment you take an IRS Notice from your mailbox, it's time to open it and call an enrolled agent immediately. A tax professional will be able to guide you through the process of resolving your…

10 Things to Consider When Starting Up a Cannabusiness

1. A company name that gives you room to grow and expand your product line. 2. Where will the business be located? Will the landlord be 420-business-friendly? Your local legal restrictions vary so…