Confessions of a Procrastinator

7/14/22 Weekly Letter-Confessions of a Procrastinator

Jeff and I have been married for 22 years, and I am proud to say,Confessions of a Procrastinator - Time Management Matrix my husband, Jeffrey Schneider, EA, CTRS, ACT-E, still continues to impress me. I am often in awe of his remarkable memory. From his recall of tax law to case studies challenging tax laws. From the never-ending changes to tax laws altering the way tax returns need to be prepared to his instant recollection of my To-Do List and the promised deadlines. 😫 LOL!!!

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

As the Director of Business Development, which incorporates marketing, my position is to grow the business, and if I do not meet my deadlines, the door won’t open, and the phone won’t ring. So, my brain is on an endless loop conceiving new marketing strategies I can employ. Notice, no mention of a deadline.

Jeff typically runs his day according to his calendar and The Covey Time Management Matrix. However, He has used this matrix for as long as I have known him and then some and has taught the subject in many practice management classes. He finds it an invaluable tool to get all his tasks effectively organized. You would think that his organizational skills would have rubbed off on me. Ahhhh, not so much. I am still the unsystematic woman he met 23 years ago!!

To learn more about the matrix, click here,

I could not have said it any better than Walt Disney, and this quote has become a mantra for me. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Confessions of a Procrastinator- That’s Me!

As my brain matured (a classy way of saying aged), my memory has declined some. As a result, it takes me longer to complete one task before I transition to the next. However, the first may not have been completed.

I have random sheets of paper and notes in no specific arrangement to rely upon; therefore, no one else can easily access my notes. I do calendarize my appointments but not my projects.

This week’s frustration overtook me, and I decided I could not go on anymore in this fashion. 😬

We use two office management tools, and, and I gave them a try at Jeff and Marissa’s insistence. I also use Asana for my project management. I created my workspace for a marketing board on and was able to integrate Asana, my Google calendar, and Slack. It certainly appears that my days of incomplete tasks with no due date are over. Now, campaigns are in progress, or finished, posted,and automated on______________.

I can honestly say I keep all my planners open on my desktop, actively engage the boards, and have been on target to meet each phase of my marketing campaigns. I just confessed to being a procrastinator in an open forum!

Ali “I’m not just sayin’; I’m doin’!” Schneider
Director of Business Development

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