Now What? I Got a CP71 Notice from the IRS. Help!
There it is… a plain white envelope with an IRS return address. This seemingly innocent piece of mail is right there in your mailbox, mixed in with your bills and a pile of junk mail. When you open…
Tax Scam Alert: 434 Area Code Tax Scam Calls Make the News in Ohio
On Monday, August 6 the news hit the WKBN website. In Broadman, Ohio, police were warning of a tax scam besieging the area. Twenty-five calls on one Monday morning will definitely raise the red flag.…
Now What? I Got a CP49 Notice from the IRS. Help!
You diligently complete and file your tax return… to your delight, you’re getting a refund! You are excited when you see the IRS envelope show up in your mailbox. At last, your money is here! Now you…
Can You Really Start Over and Get a Second Chance? Bankruptcy: The Final Frontier to Get Clear
Can you declare bankruptcy and be clear of your tax debt? The simple answer is: Yes and no. Theoretically, you can have your tax debt discharged in bankruptcy. There are cases where the IRS code…
Wishing it Would All Go Away Doesn't Work With the IRS
Remember the Calgon commercials of the 1970s and 1980s? Those of you who were around that is… A harried woman juggling kids, housework, jobs, and life, in general, gets fed up and utters the magic…
Can My Business be Seized for Back Taxes?
Can My Business Be Seized For Back Taxes? An IRS or state business seizure. It was an otherwise uneventful Monday morning in Topeka, Kansas, when local restaurant Annie’s Place was seized by the…
Now What? I Got a CP19 Notice from the IRS. Help!
You’ve opened that ominous IRS envelope and found that you have a notice. In the upper right-hand corner of the first page, it identifies itself as a CP19 notice. What is a CP19 Notice? A CP19…
5 Gnarliest Tax Situations & How to Tame the Beast
Most people who were out of grade school in the 1980s remember hearing the word “gnarly.” While not an easy term to explain, the Urban Dictionary gives it a good shot: “Gnarly is when you’ve gone…
I'm Innocent, I Tell You. I Didn't Do It. Having a Tax Debt that Isn't Yours
There are many things people rarely think of when they walk down the aisle. Marrying into another person’s tax debt can be one of them. You marry for better or worse, richer or poorer… tax debt or…